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Glossary of Biometric Term
Glossary AdBioTeK
Preguntas Freceuntes
09. Why are Biometric Readers recommended?
It is a benefit provided by identification technology progress. In a study conducted in a 400-employee plant using personnel registration technology by means of code-bar ID cards for five years, an assessment was made in order to decide what the best equipment change would be. All personnel attendance registrations for the first, second, and third shifts were printed for two weeks one hour after such registration was made. Visists were made later at the various areas in order to check that the individuals were there. The study results showed that, on average, two individuals per shift were not there. Obviously! Someone else had checked in their card. After analyzing the figures, the following results were obtained: Two individuals per shift X three shifts X thirty days a month X minimum wage = nearly $600.00 dollars. And this is just considering regular working hours, “ghostly” overtime reported by employees is still to be added. In addition, we should also consider the time required to issue credentials, as well the purchase of supplies for such purpose. Moreover, the use of ID cards gives employees too many excuses to avoid timely registration, arguing that the cards were lost or forgotten, so the human resources department wastes a lot of time issuing cards and capturing personnel missed records, which may even be a lie.
10. If there are three registration points, should fingerprints be registered in all three readers or just one of them?
Fingerprints should be registered in only one reader and they will be automatically “uploaded” into the database lodged in the PC from where said information is administered, and sent to all the readers where the personnel will check in. Access of certain people to protected areas may be restricted.
11. Is it necessary to type the ID number whenever you want to check in a Fingerprint?
NO, only the finger is used.
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