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Glossary of Biometric Term
Glossary AdBioTeK
Preguntas Freceuntes
01. What format are fingerprints stored in?
The image taken by the reader is turned into a numeric chain called Template. No calculation drawing format, such as *.BMP, *.JPG, *.PCX, etc., is stored by the reader. In fact, there is no set fingerprint coding standard. Each manufacturer owns the encripting algorithm used to store and compare fingerprints, and such algorithm makes the great difference among the various products.
02. What happens when an individual’s finger is cut?
Upon fingerprint registration in the terminal memory, a certain number of points are generated on the fingerprint convergence areas. A straight line, as the one showed in a cut, requires some additional points. In such a way, that they do not even account for 3% of total points. If an individual is enrolled with his/her cut finger or without it, there will be no difference when checking in the terminal, no matter whether the cut finger exists or not.
03. Can more than two fingerprints be registered?
Yes, by all means. You may even store an individual's fingerprints from his/her 10 fingers. It is recommended to store one fingerprint from each hand. The decision to store one or more fingerprints will depend on the person in charge of the system. The reader requires to have one stored fingerprint to allow an individual to have access to a certain protected area.
04. Can you register any finger?
Yes, by all means. A finger from any hand may be registered. So you have ten alternatives in order to choose what finger will be registered. Usually, when talking about fingerprints we think of the thumb fingerprint. But this is only one of our ten unique identification options. The finger to be registered will depend on whether the individual is left-handed or right-handed, and on the fingerprint quality and size. We usually select the right and/or left index finger, as applicable, because the fingerprint area is more concentrated than that of the thumb finger. In some cases, some personnel use the index, thumb and middle fingers more often than other fingers for heavy jobs, such as electricians or mechanics. The ring or little finger is captured in the case of such individuals.
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